Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Glitzy Chicks and Diamond Divas Membership Roster 2020

Diamond Divas and Glitzy Chicks
Membership Roster 2020

Adrienne Birchler   (Ade)
37 Willoughby Drive
Albany, NY  12205
Home: 452-0618    Cell: 688-7999
Birthday: March 24  ( 1952)
Royal Name ~~ Countess of Colonie ~~

Barbara DeMarco   (Barbie)
599 North Shore Road
Hadley, NY  12825
Home: 863-2939
Birthday: October 29     (1949)
Royal Name: ~~Lady Ondine~~

Carol Reale
8 Addison Way
Rexford, NY  12148
Home; 280-5898
Cell: 461-9627
Birthday: April 1

Doris Tuller
1014 Beverly Street
Schenectady, NY 12306
Home: 355-5252
Birthday: June 29th
Royal Name:

Eileen Shellenbarger
128 Raylinsky Road
Ballston Lake, NY  12019
Home: 899-9354
Cell: NA
Royal Name:

Ellie Bullock
717 MacElroy Road
Ballston Lake, NY 12019
Home: 877-7897    Cell: 258-7735
Birthday: March 1(1941)
Royal Name: Lady Rosie Ya-Ya

Gayle Carhide
Schenectady, NY
Cell 518-703-0080
Birthday November 1  (1954)
Royal Name:

Janet Carroll
31 Manchester Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Home/Cell: 371-2823
Birthday: January 16   (1947)
Royal Name: ~~Lady of the Highways and Byways~~

Jeanette Lane
2216 Curry Road Apt. 13
Schenectady, NY  12303
Home: 355-1417   Cell: 852-3568
Birthday: March 28
Royal Name:

Jill Sullivan
187 Oak Brook Commons
Clifton Park, NY  12065
Birthday: 12/26
Royal Name:

Judy Pinto
1505 Huntington Court
East Greenbush, NY 12061
Home: 477-9676   Cell: 301-9259
Birthday: October 10     (1943)
Royal Name: ~~

Kathy Liska   (Chucky)
3171 Woodhaven Drive
Schenectady, NY  12303
Home:  355-9005   Cell 728-1318
Email: After 3/1 -
Birthday:  July 5     (1957)
Royal Name:  Mademoiselle Dulcinee Le Fleur~~

Kathy Rossello
42 Celeste Drive
Rensselaer, NY  12144
Home: 477-2715  Cell -269-1648
Birthday: October 16    (1959)
Royal Name:

Kim Eruysal
35 Hunters Run Blvd
Cohoes, New York  12047
Cell: 844-9711
Birthday: May 21
Royal Name:

Linda Pflieger (Linnie)  Co-Queen
336 Shirlwood Drive
Schenectady, NY  12306
Home:  355-3334    Cell: 727-4380
Birthday: February 8    (1952)
Royal Name: Countess of the Vineyard

Lorraine Wyszomirski
10 Huckleberry Lane
Albany, NY 12205
Cell:  869-6715
Birthday 8/19

Lynn Martin
212 Shirlwood Drive
Schenectady, NY  12306
Home: 355-0125 Cell: 937-5177
Birthday: September 20      (1958)
Royal Name:  ~~Lady of the Lace~~

Marian Puma
797 Troy-Schenectady Road
Latham, NY 12110
Home/Cell: 221-7010
Birthday: February 10    (1940)
Royal Name

Marie Johnson
184 Oak Brook Commons
Clifton Park, NY  12065
Home: 377-1687    Cell: 469-7486
Birthday: September 4   ( 1936)
Royal Name: ~~ Countess Marie~~

Marilyn Cross
60 N. Main Street  Apt L2
Mechanicville, NY  12118
Home: 664-8080   Cell: 646-6873
No Email
Birthday: November 29 
Royal Name:

Marilyn Parmerter
2B Southwood Drive
Ballston Lake, NY 12019
Birthday: 3/2/59        
Royal Name:

Marsha Brunelle
10 Valleywood Drive
Niskayuna, NY 12309
Home:869-7311  Cell:  281-0602
Birthday: August 23   (1945)
Royal Name

Marty Deschaine – Queen
1289 Parkwood Blvd
Schenectady, NY  12308
Home: 382-0815   Cell: 986-5405
Birthday: September 17   (1945)
Royal Name: ~~ Lady of the Chocolates~~

Nancy Swift
78 Columbine Drive
Glenmont, NY  12077
Cell: 496-0830  Home: 439-1979
Birthday:August 30th
Royal Name:

Pat Montgomery
849 Londonderry Road
Schenectady, NY  12309
Home: 370-2117   Cell: 573-1467
Birthday: April 9th
Royal Name: ~~

Patricia (Patti) Clark
547 Grooms Road
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Cell 518-435-5921
Birthday  8/26

Phyllis Melideo
1706 Albany Street
Schenectady, NY  12304
Cell: 857-5135
Birthday: February 15th
Royal Name:

Sandra Cummings  (Sandy)
726 Tanner Road
Clifton Park, N Y 12065
Home – 877-8618
Birthday: December 3
Royal Name: ~~

Sue Asher
3 Glynn Drive
Cohoes, NY  12047
Home: 237-3111   Cell: 424-7243
Birthday:  January 4  (1944)
Royal Name

Susan Carmack
7 Pico Road
Clifton Park, NY  12065
Home:383-1999  Cell: 915-4552
Birthday: June 16
Royal Name: ~~

Tina Sawyer
392 First Street
Troy, NY  12180
Home: 274-6509   Cell: 368-3034
Birthday: June 5  (1959)
Royal Name:

Victoria  Holley  (Vicky)
949 Meadow Lane
Niskayuna, NY  12309
Home: 377-3678   Cell:469-8623
Birthday: December 4  (1948)
Royal Name: ~~Lady V ~~~

Monday, December 2, 2019

Glitzy Chicks and Diamond Divas December 2019 Newsletter

The Glitzy Chicks &Diamond Divas 
December Newsletter

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Hello December!!


I want to take this opportunity to do a little bragging and share with you
my little grandson, Jensen Emmett Tracey!  He will be 2 months on Dec 8th.
I am truly blessed 💗 Linnie


Birthday Girls this Month

Sandy Cummings - December 3rd
Vicky Holley - December 4th
Jill Sullivan - December 26th

We are wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

Words to Ponder
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Bits and Pieces

At the November Breakfast Meeting at the Ugly Rooster, it was decided that our newsletter will not longer include any out of State events that are hosted by the other Chapters. Marty will be mailing out any of the out of state events to you in order to keep those events separate from our newsletter.
Festive of Trees Preparation  UPDATE  A Note from Kim

Just a reminder about our tree preparation this Thursday, Dec. 5th at 10:00 AM at the Schenectady County Historical Society. Please bring the items you have decorated/made for the tree. Ade, could you bring your glue gun so we have 2?  I will bring the tree, lights, skirt and other items we gathered at our luncheon. The address is 32 Washington Avenue, Schenectady. ( Kathy- just wanted you to see this, we know you are at work Dec.5th.)
Thanks for doing a great job.

Ladies, if you are attending the Sparkling Scarletts Christmas Party this coming Friday, December 6th, please remember to bring a donation of warm hats, gloves, scarves or socks for the homeless men and women, but mostly men’s items are needed.  
There will be a grab bag ($15.00, if you would like to participate)

Event Calendar  

   12/06   Sparkling Scarletts Annual Christmas Party - Red Hat

   12/13   Glitzy Chicks Annual Holiday Party at Lynn Martin's - Red Hat

   12/14 & 12/15  Berkshire Ballet at the Egg  (see write up listed on these dates)
   12/15  "It's A Wonderful Life" - HOLIDAY COLORS - NO HATS

   1/18/20 Let It Snow, Let Us Glow Party - Whites and Blues
   1/25/20 - 9 to 5 the Musical at SLOC  - BLACK HAT ATTIRE

   4/4/20 - Easter Parade - Spring Event!

   5/2/20 - Hatting Luncheon - Red Hat

Kim Eruysalour new member shared a nice idea for a Glitzy Chicks event she read about that is happening at the Schenectady Historical Society. They are hosting their annual Festival of Trees Showcase during December 2019.

Our Tree Theme is “A Red Hat Holiday”
    Due to the fact that there isn't going to be a tree raffle this year at the Festival of Trees, our tree will be the party door prize at our annual Christmas party at Lynn Martin’s home on December 13th.
More information will be sent as to then we might want to meet to attend the Festive of Trees as a group.  December is a very busy month but hopefully we will be able to fit it in sometime in December.

DECEMBER 6TH   - Reservations are now closed for this event


December 6, 2019 (12:00 noon to 3:00 pm)


30 Clifton Country Road
Clifton Park, New York

50/50, RAFFLES, DOOR PRIZES, and a GRAB BAG ($15.00, if you would like to participate)



Cheese, Crackers and Vegetable Tray
GARDEN SALAD-Balsamic Vinaigrette or Ranch Dressing
ENTREES (Choose one)
Chicken Marsala with Roasted Potatoes & Vegetable Medley
Roasted Corn and Basil Cream Grilled Red Snapper with Roasted Potatoes & Broccolini
Butternut Squash Ravioli-Truffle Butter & Peppered Sage Butter with Grilled Mixed Vegetables
New York Cheesecake with Cherry Topping
Coffee and Tea served at table


Limited Seating: Reply by November 27, 2019, Money Due November 27, 2019.

Cost: $35.00, including tax and tip

Keyboardist CHRIS DOLLARD will be playing for us again this year.






**Please bring a donation of warm hats, gloves, scarves or socks for the homeless men and women, but mostly men’s items are needed.


December 12th 

The Queen's Council has invited all Red Hatters to their annual Christmas Party

Date: Thursday December 12th 

Queen's Council's Annual Christmas party 

Location: The Fairways of Halfmoon. 

Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m. and lunch will be served at 12:00 noon. 

The cost of this luncheon for Council members will be $20.00 and for non-Council members it is $30.00.  

The meal choices are:
Pan seared chicken breast with a Shallot pan sauce
Pistachio Crusted Atlantic salmon with lime cream sauce
Open faced char grilled flank steak with gorgonzola fondue & crispy onions
Rigatoni with blistered tomatoes, roasted mushrooms & fresh mozzarella

All meals will be served with mashed potatoes, salad, French rolls & butter, coffee, tea & dessert.

Please make checks payable to: Queens Council of Upstate NY and mail to: Betty Parker, 2 Colina Lane, Clifton Park, NY 12065.

All checks must be in by November 15th.  Please note on your check, your luncheon meal selection.


Christmas Wish Holiday Party

With a Personal Touch

Date:  Friday, December 13, 2019

Time: Noon until 3PM

Place: 212 Shirlwood Drive, Schenectady, NY 12306

Cost:  $15.00 per person

Menu: Roast Chicken Buffet & assorted Christmas Dessert Sweets

Attire: Red Hat Holiday Attire

Please join us at our annual Glitzy Chick’s holiday party held at Lynn Martin’s home. Dress in your most Festive Christmas attire and be ready for some Christmas fun & games. 

There will be a prize given to for the best Dressed Christmas outfit worn to the party and the winner will be chosen by the votes of those in attendance at the party. 

In lieu of having a grab bag exchange this year, a monetary donation is requested to be given to City Mission of Schenectady would be appreciated. 

Also, we will be having a 50/50 raffle, half of which will also be given to the City Mission of Schenectady

If you are planning on attending, please contact Lynn at 518-355-0125 or email Lynn at  by December 6 th.
December 14th and December 15th 

The the recent Queen's Council Meeting, one of our members, Amy Lantry-Jue mentioned that there will be a performance of the Berkshire Ballet on Saturday December 14th or Sunday December 15th, 2019 at the Egg in Albany. The performance will start at 1:00 p.m.  If you are interested this please contacts Amy at: 518-852-9758 or by email at:


December 15h  "It's A Wonderful Life" 

 ATTIRE - Joanne has requested that we wear  HOLIDAY COLORS - NO HATS. 

Joanne Collins will be hosting an event at the Saratoga Home Theater in Saratoga on Sunday December 15th, 2019 to see “It’s a Wonderful Life”. The cost of the tickets is $19.00 but if we get 20 people they will give us a group rate. If you are interested in attending this performance please call Joanne at: 518-792-9115 or email her  at:

Joanne mentioned that the show will get out around 3:00 p.m. and if interested we could stop for coffee and a snack after the show.


Let It Snow, Let Us Glow!

 Warm up with the Glitzy Chicks and Diamond Divas for a

Wonderful Wassailing Winter White Wolf-Down!

Saturday, January 18th, 2020
12 noon to 3:30 pm
Guilderland Elks Lodge #2480
3867 Carmen Road, Schenectady, NY

The Glitzy Chicks & Diamond Divas invite Red Hatters, Black Hatters, Non-Hatters, daughters, friends, acquaintances,
and any gals who want to join us for an afternoon of friendship, fun, food, games, and prizes.

In keeping with the winter theme, we encourage ladies to wear winter white attire with white hats.
If you prefer, mix it up with blue and white. Hats /fascinators are a must.

We will serve a Dinner Buffet including: Sliced Roast Beef with Savory Pan Gravy with Herb and Garlic Roasted Potatoes, Chicken Parmesan with Linguini, Tossed Salad Bar with Assorted Dressings, Baked Rolls, Coffee and Tea followed by a Decadent Let It Snow Dessert.
Cash Bar

Anyone who brings a $2 lottery ticket will receive a raffle ticket for take a chance on winning all the tickets on the lottery tree!

There will also be a 50/50, Door Prizes, Raffles and Vendors.

Please send your check for $30.00 to Chucky (Kathy Liska) at 3171 Woodhaven Dr, Schenectady, NY 12303 by JANUARY 1, 2020.  Kathy's phone number is 518-355-9005.

A special raffle for ladies who register with their payment before November 15th 
will be drawn the day of the event.

Deadline/all payments must be in by JANUARY 1, 2020
All reservations are transferable but not refundable.

Join us for some winter fun!!


JANUARY 25, 2020

The Schenectady Light Opera Company Is Presenting the 9 to 5 Musical!

DATE:   January 25, 2020 – Saturday

TIME:   2:00PM

Location: SLOC Musical Theatre - 427 Franklin Street, Schenectady, NY

Cost:   $20.00 per person

Attire: Black Hat and Bling

Based on the 1980 hit movie, 9 to 5!
The Musical is a lively story of a friendship and revenge.
When three female coworkers hatch a plan to get even with their sexist, egotistical boss, hilarity ensues as they give their workplace the makeover they’ve always wanted!

Gayle Carhide has organized and is hosting this event.  If you are planning on attending, please send your check in the amount of $20.00  made payable to Gayle Carhide -2536 Turner Avenue, Schenectady, NY 12306 no later than 12/15/19. 

If you need to contact Gayle, her number is 518-703-0080 and her email is

For those of you who want to meet for dinner after the show, we will be going to Tops Diner (separate checks) located at 351 Duanesburg Rd, Schenectady, NY 12306 (Rotterdam).

Hope to see you at the show!


APRIL 2020

SAVE THE DATE  -  April 4, 2020
The Black Hat Diamond Divas Invite you to 

attend the EASTER PARADE
DATE:   APRIL 4, 2020
TIME:   12-4
ATTIRE: Kaleidoscope Spring Colors

Janet is planning an exciting Spring event which theme is the Easter Parade.  Let’s step back to the good old days of watching Lawrence Welk and listening to them singing to the Easter Parade by Irving Berlin.

"In your Easter bonnet, 
with all the frills upon it,
You'll be the grandest lady in the Easter parade.
I'll be all in clover and when they look you over,
I'll be the proudest fellow in the Easter parade"

There will be an “All About  the Hat” Contest with prizes given out to the winner for the following categories:
Most Outrageous
   Most Fabulous
    Most Funny
Be in store for some surprises and fun! 




Spindle City Divas & the Queens Council of Upstate NY
We will be hosting a “Hatting” luncheon event at the Hilton Garden Inn in Clifton Park, NY.

Registration will be at 11:00 a.m. (with some shopping until lunch at 12:00 noon and more shopping following lunch.

We will have Hat and Clothing vendors present with an array of beautiful clothing, hats and jewelry at very reasonable prices.

Mike Carter of Jolene’s Fashions will be here and a
Jewelry vendor-

We will have a 50/50, many basket prizes and our wonderful “White Elephant” bag sale to add some excitement to the already fun packed day.

Cost of the event will be $30.00

Checks should be made payable to: Queens Council of Upstate NY
And mailed to:
Betty Parker  2 Colina Lane  Clifton Park, NY 12065

Checks must be to Betty Parker no later than April 1st, 2020. Any questions call Betty at 518-357-8069 or

The doors for shopping will open at 10:00 a.m. and remain open until 4:00 p.m. You must be registered for the luncheon in order to participate in the shopping event.

Dress Code for this event is: RED & PURPLE (hats, fascinators, clips, flowers etc. are a must for this event)

This event is open to all “Hatters”, Sisters, Friends, Daughters’ etc. but you must conform to the dress code.
Hope you can join us for a fun packed day of shopping, eating and generally having a good time.
This is the news this month!!

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Merry Christmas Everyone!