Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Membership Roster 2019

Diamond Divas and Glitzy Chicks
Membership Roster 2019

Adrienne Birchler   (Ade)
37 Willoughby Drive
Albany, NY  12205
Home: 452-0618    Cell: 688-7999
Email:  adrienne.Birchler@icloud.com
Birthday: March 24  ( 1952)
Royal Name ~~ Countess of Colonie ~~

Barbara DeMarco   (Barbie)
599 North Shore Road
Hadley, NY  12825
Home: 863-2939
Birthday: October 29     (1949)
Royal Name: ~~Lady Ondine~~

Brenda Earhart
P O Box 327
Wells, NY  12190
Cell: 775-6942
Email: bgearhart333@gmail.com
Birthday:  January 5th
Royal Name:  ~~Lady BE ~~

Doris Tuller
1014 Beverly Street
Schenectady, NY 12306
Home: 355-5252
Birthday: June 29th
Royal Name:

Ellie Bullock
717 MacElroy Road
Ballston Lake, NY 12019
Home: 877-7897    Cell: 258-7735
Birthday: March 1(1941)
Royal Name: Lady Rosie Ya-Ya

Gayle Carhide
Schenectady, NY
Cell 518-703-0080
Birthday November 1  (1954)
Royal Name:

Gloria Cerasuolo
19 Barry Lane
Scotia, NY  12302
Home: 399-6085    331-9993
Email: cerasuolog@localnet.com
Birthday: September 17    (1945)
Royal Name~~Lady of Glenville~~

Janet Carroll
31 Manchester Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Home/Cell: 371-2823
Birthday: January 16   (1947)
Royal Name: ~~Lady of the Highways and Byways~~

Jeanette Lane
2216 Curry Road Apt. 13
Schenectady, NY  12303
Home: 355-1417   Cell: 852-3568
Birthday: March 28
Royal Name:

Jill Sullivan
187 Oak Brook Commons
Clifton Park, NY  12065
Birthday: 12/26
Royal Name:

Judy Pinto
1505 Huntington Court
East Greenbush, 12061
Home: 477-9676   Cell: 301-9259
Birthday: October 10     (1943)
Royal Name: ~~

Kathy Liska   (Chucky)
3171 Woodhaven Drive
Schenectady, NY  12303
Home:  355-9005   Cell 728-1318
Birthday:  July 5     (1957)
Royal Name:  Mademoiselle Dulcinee Le Fleur~~

Kathy Rossello
42 Celeste Drive
Rensselaer, NY  12144
Home: 477-2715  Cell -269-1648
Birthday: October 16    (1959)
Royal Name:

Kim Eruysal
35 Hunters Run Blvd
Cohoes, New York  12047
Cell: 844-9711
Email: keruysal@yahoo.com
Birthday: May 21
Royal Name:

Linda Pflieger (Linnie)    Vice Queen
336 Shirlwood Drive
Schenectady, NY  12306
Home:  355-3334    Cell: 727-4380
Birthday: February 8    (1952)
Royal Name: Countess of the Vineyard

Lynn Martin
212 Shirlwood Drive
Schenectady, NY  12306
Home: 355-0125
Birthday: September 20      (1958)
Royal Name:  ~~Lady of the Lace~~

Marian Puma
797 Troy-Schenectady Road
Latham, NY 12110
Home/Cell: 221-7010
Birthday: February 10    (1940)
Royal Name

Marie Johnson
184 Oak Brook Commons
Clifton Park, NY  12065
Home: 377-1687    Cell: 469-7486
Birthday: September 4   ( 1936)
Royal Name: ~~ Countess Marie~~

Marilyn Cross
60 N. Main Street  Apt L2
Mechanicville, NY  12118
Home: 664-8080   Cell: 646-6873
No Email
Birthday: November 29 
Royal Name:

Marilyn Parmerter
2B Southwood Drive
Ballston Lake, NY 12019
Birthday: 3/2/59        
Royal Name:

Marsha Brunelle
10 Valleywood Drive
Niskayuna, NY 12309
Home:869-7311  Cell:  281-0602
Email: mimi082345@gmail.com
Birthday: August 23   (1945)
Royal Name

Marty Deschaine – Queen
1289 Parkwood Blvd
Schenectady, NY  12308
Home: 382-0815   Cell: 986-5405
Birthday: September 17   (1945)
Royal Name: ~~ Lady of the Chocolates~~

Nancy Swift
78 Columbine Drive
Glenmont, NY  12077
Cell: 496-0830  Home: 439-1979
Birthday:August 30th
Royal Name:

Pat Montgomery
849 Londonderry Road
Schenectady, NY  12309
Home: 370-2117   Cell: 573-1467
Birthday: April 9th
Royal Name: ~~

Phyllis Melideo
1706 Albany Street
Schenectady, NY  12304
Cell: 857-5135
Birthday: February 15th
Royal Name:

Sandra Cummings  (Sandy)
726 Tanner Road
Clifton Park, N Y 12065
Home – 877-8618
Birthday: December 3
Royal Name: ~~

Sue Asher
3 Glynn Drive
Cohoes, NY  12047
Home: 237-3111   Cell: 424-7243
Email: sasher237@gmail.com
Birthday:  January 4  (1944)
Royal Name

Susan Carmack
7 Pico Road
Clifton Park, NY  12065
Home:383-1999  Cell: 915-4552
Birthday: June 16
Royal Name: ~~

Tina Sawyer
392 First Street
Troy, NY  12180
Home: 274-6509   Cell: 368-3034
Birthday: June 5  (1959)
Royal Name:

Victoria  Holley  (Vicky)
949 Meadow Lane
Niskayuna, NY  12309
Home: 377-3678   Cell:469-8623
Email: holleynski@icloud.com
Birthday: December 4  (1948)
Royal Name: ~~Lady V ~~~