Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Glitzy Chicks and Diamond Divas Membership Roster July 2020
Diamond Divas and Glitzy Chicks
Membership Roster 2020
Adrienne Birchler (Ade)
37 Willoughby Drive
Albany, NY 12205
Home: 452-0618 Cell: 688-7999
Email: adrienne.Birchler@icloud.com
Birthday: March 24 ( 1952)
Royal Name ~~ Countess of Colonie ~~
Barbara DeMarco (Barbie)
599 North Shore Road
Hadley, NY 12825
Home: 863-2939
Email: barbied518@ roadrunner.com
Birthday: October 29 (1949)
Royal Name: ~~Lady Ondine~~
Carol Reale
8 Addison Way
Rexford, NY 12148
Home; 280-5898
Cell: 461-9627
Email: creale8@gmail.com
Birthday: April 1
Doris Tuller
1014 Beverly Street
Schenectady, NY 12306
Home: 355-5252
Email: tuller24@gmail.com
Birthday: June 29th
Royal Name:
Eileen Shellenbarger
128 Raylinsky Road
Ballston Lake, NY 12019
Home: 899-9354
Cell: NA
Email: e.shellenbarger@yahoo.com
Birthday: 6/29
Royal Name:
Ellie Bullock
717 MacElroy Road
Ballston Lake, NY 12019
Home: 877-7897 Cell: 258-7735
Email: froghollow@nycap.rr.com
Birthday: March 1(1941)
Royal Name: Lady Rosie Ya-Ya
Gayle Carhide
2536 Turner Ave
Schenectady, NY
Cell 518-703-0080
Email: carhidegayle@gmail.com
Birthday November 1 (1954)
Royal Name:
Henrietta (Hank) Steffen
1606 Brandywine Parkway
Guilderland, New York 12084
Email – hankie144@aol.com
Birthday – November 13 (1947)
Janet Carroll
31 Manchester Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Home/Cell: 371-2823
Email: ccarroll1@nycap.rr.com
Birthday: January 16 (1947)
Royal Name: ~~Lady of the Highways and Byways~~
Jeanette Lane
2216 Curry Road Apt. 13
Schenectady, NY 12303
Home: 355-1417 Cell: 852-3568
Email: jlane1@nycap.rr.com
Birthday: March 28
Royal Name:
Jill Sullivan
187 Oak Brook Commons
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Email: jills1226@aol.com
Birthday: 12/26
Royal Name:
Judy Pinto
1505 Huntington Court
East Greenbush, NY 12061
Home: 477-9676 Cell: 301-9259
Email: mail: jnrpinto1@gmail.com
Birthday: October 10 (1943)
Royal Name: ~~
Kathy Liska (Chucky)
3171 Woodhaven Drive
Schenectady, NY 12303
Home: 355-9005 Cell 728-1318
Email: Kathy.liska@northernrivers.org After 3/1 - K.liska57@gmail.com
Birthday: July 5 (1957)
Royal Name: Mademoiselle Dulcinee Le Fleur~~
Kathy Rossello
42 Celeste Drive
Rensselaer, NY 12144
Home: 477-2715 Cell -269-1648
Email: ella101659@aol.com
Birthday: October 16 (1959)
Royal Name:
Kim Eruysal
35 Hunters Run Blvd
Cohoes, New York 12047
Cell: 844-9711
Email: keruysal@yahoo.com
Birthday: May 21
Royal Name:
Linda Pflieger (Linnie) Co-Queen
336 Shirlwood Drive
Schenectady, NY 12306
Home: 355-3334 Cell: 727-4380
Email: lmpflieger@gmail.Com
Birthday: February 8 (1952)
Royal Name: Countess of the Vineyard
Lorraine Wyszomirski
10 Huckleberry Lane
Albany, NY 12205
Cell: 869-6715
Email: ljWizz10@gmail.com
Birthday 8/19
Lynn Martin
212 Shirlwood Drive
Schenectady, NY 12306
Home: 355-0125 Cell: 937-5177
Email: crystlsviola@gmail.com
Birthday: September 20 (1958)
Royal Name: ~~Lady of the Lace~~
Marian Puma
797 Troy-Schenectady Road
Latham, NY 12110
Home/Cell: 221-7010
Email: mreqpuma@yahoo.com
Birthday: February 10 (1940)
Royal Name
Marie Johnson
184 Oak Brook Commons
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Home: 377-1687 Cell: 469-7486
Email: ggjohnson634@gmail,com
Birthday: September 4 ( 1936)
Royal Name: ~~ Countess Marie~~
Marilyn Cross
60 N. Main Street Apt L2
Mechanicville, NY 12118
Home: 664-8080 Cell: 646-6873
No Email
Birthday: November 29
Royal Name:
Marilyn Parmerter
2B Southwood Drive
Ballston Lake, NY 12019
Birthday: 3/2/59
Royal Name:
Marsha Brunelle
10 Valleywood Drive
Niskayuna, NY 12309
Home:869-7311 Cell: 281-0602
Email: mimi082345@gmail.com
Birthday: August 23 (1945)
Marty Deschaine – Queen
1289 Parkwood Blvd
Schenectady, NY 12308
Home: 382-0815 Cell: 986-5405
Email: mdeschaine@hotmail.com
Birthday: September 17 (1945)
Royal Name: ~~ Lady of the Chocolates~~
Nancy Swift
78 Columbine Drive
Glenmont, NY 12077
Cell: 496-0830 Home: 439-1979
Email: nswift604@yahoo.com
Birthday:August 30th
Royal Name:
Pat Montgomery
849 Londonderry Road
Schenectady, NY 12309
Home: 370-2117 Cell: 573-1467
Email: weaver0159@yahoo.com
Birthday: April 9th
Royal Name: ~~
Patricia (Patti) Clark
547 Grooms Road
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Cell 518-435-5921
Email: dollienine@gmail.com
Birthday 8/26
Phyllis Melideo
1706 Albany Street
Schenectady, NY 12304
Cell: 857-5135
Birthday: February 15th
Royal Name:
Sandra Cummings (Sandy)
726 Tanner Road
Clifton Park, N Y 12065
Home – 877-8618
Email: sandralc@aol.ocm
Birthday: December 3
Sue Asher
3 Glynn Drive
Cohoes, NY 12047
Home: 237-3111 Cell: 424-7243
Email: sasher237@gmail.com
Birthday: January 4 (1944)
Royal Name
Susan Carmack
7 Pico Road
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Home:383-1999 Cell: 915-4552
Email: susucarmack@aol.com
Birthday: June 16
Royal Name: ~~
Tina Sawyer
392 First Street
Troy, NY 12180
Home: 274-6509 Cell: 368-3034
Email: lucysmom392@hotmail.com
Birthday: June 5 (1959)
Royal Name:
Victoria Holley (Vicky)
949 Meadow Lane
Niskayuna, NY 12309
Home: 377-3678 Cell:469-8623
Email: holleynski@icloud.com
Birthday: December 4 (1948)
Royal Name: ~~Lady V ~~~
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Glitzy Chicks and Diamond Divas July Newsletter
Good Morning,
I am sending you the July newsletter via email. It is not posted on the blog as of yet. my son, Rob will take a look, it might be that there are 140 posts in the blog that is causing this, so may it needs a format update. Just so you know, you will see a few blank boxes as you scroll through. Several of the quote inserts that I include in the news every month, did not copy over too well when I pulled it over to email. But they are posted at the end of the newsletter. I hope you enjoy them. Sorry to send you this with formatting issues. Computers are great until it does not do what you are use to having them do. Have a good day!!Hugs Linnie---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Linda Pflieger
Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 9:14 AM
To: Linda Pflieger
Glitzy Chicks and Diamond Divas July News
Hello Everyone,
I hope you will enjoy a safe and Happy July 4th, this coming weekend. We are in phase 3 and fingers crossed that we enter phase 4 soon.
We are living through history. When people look back on this time it will tell a story of what life was like living during the COVID 19. It is hard to make sense of what is happening. Listening to the news that changes from day to day and depending on what channel you tune into, each have a different spin on what is truly happening. We just need to continue to believe that what we are now doing is keeping us healthy and safe. Over the past 4 months, we have already made changes to our lifestyle and habits and have adjusted the best ways we can and it has become the norm.
Great news is that several gals in our chapter have gotten together to see each other and practiced social distancing. It is uplifting to be able to talk and laugh and enjoy each other's company again. Marty has planned an event to celebrate July 4th this week, I hope you are able to attend. I guarantee you will feel so much better, especially if it will be the first time you will be socializing with people other than your family.
In the months ahead, if you happen to come across something our group would be interested in going to, maybe several of us would be interested in going. It can be done safely and it will be so good for our mental health. If you want to email it out to our group or if you want to send it to me, I will be sure to get it out to everyone. I know someone will be interested in hearing about it. It could be a Red, Black or summer color hat gathering or non hat gathering. Just that we can get together is what is important.
Celebrating Birthdays in July
Kathy (Chucky) Liska - July 5th
Nancy Miller - July 12th
Wishing You both a Very Happy Birthday^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Sisterhood News.
Lynn Martin's email address is: crystlsviola@gmail.com
Please update your email address list. _________________________________________________
TIna Sawyer has a craft booth where she is going to be displaying her wreaths and cards at crossgates mall in Artique store, It is the sister store to the exit 8 store. Artique is located by JC Penny and the Pottery Barn at Crossgates. The store was open one day and then COVID19 hit and it had to close. Once the malls are able to open safely, this would be a fun shopping trip to visit Tina and see her creative touches.__________________________________________
Eileen Shellenbarger's Birthday date is June 29th. Please update your roster. It is updated on the blog's 2020 roster._________________________________________________
Judy Pinto read about a fun road trip that I am sharing the information with you, if you feel like taking a ride on the weekend that the Apple Barrel Store is hosting on weekends..
Apple Barrel Store and Cafe
It is time for another weekend road trip!
This weekend, start your morning early at Mine Kill State Park and enjoy the outdoors! Hike or mountain bike on the 8 miles of trails or enjoy the Long Path hiking trail to experience the picturesque Mine Kill Falls.
After a morning outdoors, head to The Breakfast Club for a delicious breakfast!
After filling up at The Breakfast Club, stop by the NY Power Authority Blenheim-Gilboa Visitors Center and do some bird watching and enjoy the views!
End this week's road trip with a scenic drive through the valley to The Apple Barrel Store + enjoy a delicous dinner at the Cafe.
Click the Google Maps Link for directions to each stop:
On the Lighter Side
Joke from May AARP
Event Calendar
7/2/20 - Collins Park, Scotia - July 4th Picnic Lunch - 11:00am near Lions Pavilion - Red Hat with Red White and Blue
12/3/20 - Queen's Council Christmas Party - Red Hat12/5/20 - Glitzy Chicks Christmas Party- Red Hat
12/12/20 - Sparkling Scarletts Christmas Party - Ugly Sweater Contest
When I receive any updated information on the above "open" events I will send out an email. Hoping that the Late Summer and Fall will bring us all to a better place to come and go as we please.
July 2nd - Chick Picnic Update from Marty Please refer to Marty's email on 7/1 for more information or if you have any questions, please call her..
JULY 2ND......THURSDAY11:00AMlocation is near Lions Pavilion in Collins Park Scotia NYBring your chair and your lunch. Dessert will be provided. Bring a mask.
Also bring along any ideas you might have for a safe summer meeting. We are living in a changed world and we have to change with it.
Let me know if the change of date changes your plans so we know not to look for you!
See you there! Looking forward to seeing those attending. It has been some time since we all got our red hats out and on our heads ready for fun!Martymdeschaine@hotmail.com or518-382-0815
COST: 30.00
Menu Choices will be Chicken Cordon Blue or Slow Roasted Rib Eye with potatoes, veggies, rolls, butter, coffee and tea are included.If you would like to invite your husband or significant other to attend with you, they are welcome to join you.More information will follow in the coming months from Betty Robideau.
This is a save the date for our Chicks Christmas party. We are planning a dressy and fun Christmas gathering on December 5th 2020. I know it is early but a few groups are already filling in dates so we need to get ours on your calendars. If anyone has suggestions for a place to have it or things we would like to include let me know. This is your party so let me know what we can plan to make it fun for you. If there is anything you would like to plan for the party let me know that also.Marty
December 12, 2020 - Sparkling Scarletts Christmas Party
The Sparkling Scarletts have invited us to their annual Christmas Party.
This year as part of the fun, there is going to be an Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest. What fun that will be!!
More information will follow.
**************************************************************** In Closing
Stay Healthy and SafeI miss you ALL. Linnie
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Glitzy Chicks and Diamond Divas May Newsletter
Glitzy Chicks and Diamond Diva May Newsletter
Happy National Red Hat Day
April 25, 2020
April 25, 2020
Today marks the 22nd anniversary of the Red Hat Society
Celebrating National Red Hat Day when several Chicks attended a Fashion Show Luncheon to support the American Legion Post in Halfmoon in 2019.
Hello Everyone,
I sincerely hope that
all of you and yours are safe and in good health during this difficult time. To
those of you who are working and/or have family members working in the essential services workforce - a special word of thanks to
you and your family as you go out into a scary world every day. After the 9/11 attack our world
changed a lot and now it seems like our world will change even more.
Lets remain hopeful that we will soon be able to enjoy getting together to have fun. We will just need to continue to evaluate social distancing as time goes on or when we hear that our Upstate region is able to regain some normal life again.
Kim Eruysal - 5/21
Wishing You a Very Happy Birthday, Kim!
Words to Ponder -
Words to Ponder -
If the mountain seems too big today, then climb a hill instead.
If the mountain seems too big today, then climb a hill instead.
If the morning brings you sadness, it’s okay to stay in bed.
If the day ahead seems heavy, and your plans feel like a curse,
There’s no shame in re-arranging. Don’t make yourself feel worse.
If a shower stings like needles, and a bath feels like you’ll drown.
If you haven’t washed your hair in days, don’t throw away your crown!
A day is not a lifetime, a rest is not defeat.
Don’t think of it as failure, just a quiet, kind retreat.
It’s okay to take a moment from an anxious, fractured mind.
The world will not stop turning while you get re-aligned.
The mountain will still be there when you want to try again.
So climb it in your own time – and LOVE YOURSELF till then.
I was notified that Alene Sherman lost her brother last week. If you would like to send Alene a card her address is:
Alene Sherman
173 Elk St.
Albany, NY 12210
If you are not already aware, Betty Robideau (Parker) lost her sister to the conronavirus. last week. If you would like to send a card to Betty, her address is below
Betty Robideau
Betty Robideau
2 Colina Lane
Clifton Park. NY. 12065
Bits and Pieces
Updated Information Regarding
Superior Cleaning and Maintenance Service
Superior Cleaning and Maintenance Service
Great News, Marian's Puma's daughter, Adrienne has a new job. She was hired as a full time employee!
Adrienne wanted to let you know that she appreciated and sincerely wants to thank all those of us who called her for help during the time we was laid off.
Now that Adrienne is working full time, she is no longer able to be able to do any side work.
I want to to share a useful website with you to help lessen worry and stress, I hope you find it helpful at times. Lin
Free meditation and mindfulness exercises:
If you enjoy listening to music, try listening to Danny Wright.
On the Lighter Side
Event Calendar
10/2/20- 10/4/20 - Red Hat Runaway - Allentown, PA Red Hat
12/3/20 - Queen's Council Christmas Party - Red Hat
12/5/20 - Glitzy Chicks Christmas Party- Red Hat
12/12/20 - Sparkling Scarletts Christmas Party - Ugly Sweater Contest
Red Hat Runaway Weekend -Allentown, PA - Oct 2-Oct 4, 2020
All Supporting Members of the Red Hat Society are invited to attend:
The Annual 2020 Red Hat Run-a-Way, Oct 2-4, 2020
Themed: Denim & Diamonds
Presented by Queen Pat Bush and The Elegant Society Sisters
(with assistance from The Lehigh Valley Queens' Council)
The details and registration form are attached. NOTE that this event is open only to supporting members of the RHS.
The details and registration form are attached. NOTE that this event is open only to supporting members of the RHS.
All contacts should be made to Queen Pat Bush at starborn80@rcn.com or 610-462-2957.
Please do NOT send regrets if you do not plan to attend.
(With assistance from The Lehigh Valley Queens’ Council)
Proudly announces
October 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2020
Holiday Inn Allentown Lehigh Valley (Rte. 100 & I78)
7736 Adrienne Drive
Breinigsville, PA 18031 Telephone: (610) 391-1000
THEME: Denim and Diamonds
Event fee of $120.00 includes:
Admittance to the Red Hat Run-A-Way,
2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, access to Vendors, entertainment,
Favors, unlimited memories to be made and much fun to be
had. Come and join your Red Had Sisters in action.
Note: Please provide proof of membership when registering for this event as well as “at the door”.
Your Membership ID Card can be printed off the RHS Website under
Friday, Oct. 2nd, 2020
Noon – 4:00 p.m. - REGISTRATION
Check in time for your room is not until 3 O’clock. However, the Hospitality Room will be open at 2 O’clock for early arrivers where you can relax and acquaint yourself with old or make new friends over a cup of tea or coffee
Basket Contributions should be left at the registration desk. Please mark your gift with your chapter name and your queen’s name so your chapter can be recognized at the drawing. We are asking each attending chapter to bring a gift card, gift basket, or gift item valued at $25.00 or more to be used in the Basket Raffle.
DENIM NIGHT (Denim must not be in red or purple)
6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. - Cash bar.
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. - Plated dinner will be served.
8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. - Celebrity Impersonator Devon Cass
Saturday, Oct. 3rd, 2020
8:00 a.m.– 9:30 a.m. – Breakfast
After breakfast you are free to spend the day as you wish.
Shop the vendors
Play Bingo $(10 per person)
Take the bus to Downtown Bethlehem or to the Wind Creek Casino ($15.00 round trip)
In Downtown Bethlehem, you will find shops offering gourmet foods, artwork, distinctive gifts, unique clothing, antiques, crafted beverages and holiday decorations.
The Moravian Book Shop, the oldest bookstore in America, is a must-see.
Shops at the Wind Creek Outlet are Christopher & Banks, Corning ware, Corelle & More, Fragrance Outlet, Bass Factory Outlet, Kids Quest/Cyber Quest, Lenox, Steel Magnolia Spa & Salon, General Store, and Van Heusen | IZOD GOLF. The Casino and restaurants are on the first floor and the shops are on the lower level.
Visit old friends and new or just rest up for the night ahead.
Saturday Evening
6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. – Cash Bar
6:30 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. - Plated dinner will be served.
8:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. – Music provided by Nite Flyte for your listening and dancing pleasure.
Sunday Oct. 4, 2020
8:00 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.– Breakfast to fortify you for your journey home.
Any questions concerning this event contact Queen Pat Bush - Email: starborn80@rcn.com or telephone 610-462-2957
Registration Form for this Event
(Payment Plan Available)
Early Registration received by August 31, 2020__________________________$120.00
Registrations received after August 31, 2020 until September 15, 2020_______$140.00
Queen’s Name _________________________________________________________________________
First and Last Phone Number -E-mail
Chapter’s RHS ID Number _____________________________________________
Payment Plan Bingo Bus
Yes or No $10 $15
Full Name/RHS#______________________________________________________________________Full
PAYMENT Plan – This payment plan is for early registrations only.
First Payment $40.00 (Plus any extra activity fee) to be paid by April 30, 2020.
Second Payment $40.00 to be paid by June 30, 2020.
Third and last payment $40.00 to be paid by August 31, 2020
HOTEL: The Holiday Inn Conference Center
7736 Adrienne Drive
Breinigsville, Pa 18031
When reserving your room use group code RHS
Any questions concerning this event contact Queen Pat Bush - Email: starborn80@rcn.com or telephone 610-462-2957
Save the Dates for December are starting to fill up please add them to your December 2020 calendars!
COST: 30.00
Menu Choices will be Chicken Cordon Blue or Slow Roasted Rib Eye with potatoes, veggies, rolls, butter, coffee and tea are included.
If you would like to invite your husband or significant other to attend with you, they are welcome to join you.
If you would like to invite your husband or significant other to attend with you, they are welcome to join you.
More information will follow in the coming months from Betty Robideau.
This is a save the date for our Chicks Christmas party. We are planning a dressy and fun Christmas gathering on December 5th 2020. I know it is early but a few groups are already filling in dates so we need to get ours on your calendars. If anyone has suggestions for a place to have it or things we would like to include let me know. This is your party so let me know what we can plan to make it fun for you. If there is anything you would like to plan for the party let me know that also.
December 12, 2020 - Sparkling Scarletts Christmas Party
The Sparkling Scarletts have invited us to their annual Christmas Party.
This year as part of the fun, there is going to be an Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest. What fun that will be!!
More information will follow.
In Closing
Let us all hope that this situation is only temporary and we all look forward to returning to a normal social life. May you and your loved ones be healthy and stay safe during this time of uncertainty.
Let us all hope that this situation is only temporary and we all look forward to returning to a normal social life. May you and your loved ones be healthy and stay safe during this time of uncertainty.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Glitzy Chicks and Diamond Divas April Newsletter
Glitzy Chicks and Diamond Diva April Newsletter
Coronvirus Prayer
Jesus Christ, healer of all, come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love. Stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow. Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care. Heal us from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbors from helping one another.
Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders. Amen.
Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair. May they know your peace
Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace.
Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve. Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks. May they know your peace, as they work together to achieve it on earth.
As we stay in our homes to be safe and keep others safe, stay with us as we endure, persist and prepare. In place of our anxiety, give us your peace. and heal us. Amen
posted by the Church of Christ's Healing
Hello Everyone,As I begin this month's newsletter I am reflecting on how fortunate we were to have the opportunity to attend the events that started off our 2020 event calendar. Beginning with the Catch Your Breathe Luncheon then on to the Let It Snow, Let Us Glow Luncheon, then on to the 9 to 5 Musical, then the Valentine Day Dinner, and on to the Wretched Access Tea Party and then the March Fling Luncheon, before this terrible and dangerous virus came to our country.
Our lives have certainly changed in the past two weeks. Some of us have friends and family who have contracted the virus and now in the midst of trying to get through it. Many of the events that were slated for the upcoming months have been cancelled. Some will be rescheduled for next year.
We are now asked to stay in our home and only go out when absolutely necessary. Personally, the last time my son and daughter's family was on 3/15 to enjoy an early St Pat's Day dinner. I am thankful that we were able to have the day together. Facetime and Google Duo have become part of every other evening for Paul and I when we can check in to talk with them and see our grandchildren. I keep in my mind that we will all get through this.
Birthday Girls this Month
Carol Reale - April 1st
Pat Montgomery - April 9th
Carol and Pat, we wish you a very Happy and Healthy Birthday __________________________________________________
On the Mend
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers, Lynn Martin. Lynn, we are hoping you are feeling better soon.
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers, Lynn Martin. Lynn, we are hoping you are feeling better soon.
Words to Ponder -
Bits and Pieces
Superior Cleaning and Maintenance Service
Marian's Puma's daughter, Adrienne is self employed and out of work like most of the workforce due to the virus. For a nominal fee, she is willing to do things for others who are not able to do for themselves.
Her business was called Superior and they did cleaning and maintenance service.
She and her partner have done all kinds of home and building maintenance including electrical, plumbing, painting. cleaning, and landscaping.
She is willing to run errands, shop for others and do almost anything else they need. I know we are all social distancing but perhaps some of us have a need she could help with while still avoiding any close contact. If you are interested in any of the services that Adrienne could help you with, her information is below.
Contact: Adrienne Puma at 518-221-7008
Phone is answered as Superior.
Leave a message if no immediate answer.
Thank you
Elton John and Friends Concert March 29th
Posted on the ABC News website this morning.
LOS ANGELES -- Elton John is hosting a “living room” concert aimed at bolstering American spirits during the coronavirus crisis and saluting those countering it, iHeartMedia and Fox said Wednesday.
Alicia Keys, Billie Eilish, Mariah Carey, the Backstreet Boys, Tim McGraw and Billie Joe Armstrong are scheduled to take part in the event airing at 9-10 p.m. EDT Sunday on Fox TV and on iHeartMedia radio stations.
On the Lighter Side of Life
Note from Linnie
I don't know about you but I am trying my best to keep busy but there is just so much cleaning a person can do😊.
I don't know about you but I am trying my best to keep busy but there is just so much cleaning a person can do😊.
So far,
Since my hairdresser is closed, I dyed my hair, a little on the darker side, but it did cover the grey!💂♂️
I signed up for an online course with Babbel - and I am learning how to speak Italian!
Since my hairdresser is closed, I dyed my hair, a little on the darker side, but it did cover the grey!💂♂️
I had a home spa day, did a relaxing pedicure, watched an old movie and had a glass of wine!
Cleaned out my filing cabinet, no need to keep any work related followup papers!
Been face timing with my family almost everyday. It lifts my spirits to see and hear Athena and Jensen voices and see them in person. when we are on line.
What have you all been doing to keep busy and your mind off having to stay home?
It would be fun to know what every one is doing while we on staying in
by gramma's funnies
Event Calendar
4/4/20 - CANCELLED - Easter Parade Luncheon - Spring Event!
5/2/20 and 5/3/20- CANCELLED - Mini Convention and Hatting Luncheon -
5/26/20-5/28/20 - Red Hat at the Beach - Cape May, NJ
I am assuming this event is cancelled - But I have not been able to confirm
10/2/20- 10/4/20 - Red Hat Runaway - Allentown, PA Red Hat
12/3/20 - Queen's Council Christmas Party - Red Hat
12/5/20 - Glitzy Chicks Christmas Party- Red Hat
12/12/20 - Sparkling Scarletts Christmas Party - Ugly Sweater Contest
MAY 26 - 28, 2020
Package Includes:
*2 Nights Deluxe accommodations at the beautiful Oceanfront Port Royal Hotel
*Welcome Reception with Live Entertainment, Wine & Snacks
*2 Full Plated Breakfasts at your hotel
*2 Fantastic Dinners Including
-Halloween Costume Gala at the Wildwood Convention Center
This will be the most Decorated event yet!
Get your most elaborate costume ready
(*Motorcoach Transportation Provided)
-Meal Voucher for Restaurant at Resorts Casino Hotel
(*Motorcoach Transportation Provided)
*A Visit to Historic Smithville, NJ with
Sumptuous Luncheon
(*Motorcoach Transportation Provided)
*Visit to Exciting Atlantic City NJ with Great Bonus Package at Resorts Casino
(*Motorcoach Transportation Provided)
*Visit to Victorian Cape May NJ en route home after Check out.
*All Taxes and Dinner Gratuities
ALL THIS ONLY....$328.00/ PP DBL
Red Hat Runaway Weekend -Allentown, PA - Oct 2-Oct 4, 2020
All Supporting Members of the Red Hat Society are invited to attend:
The Annual 2020 Red Hat Run-a-Way, Oct 2-4, 2020
Themed: Denim & Diamonds
Presented by Queen Pat Bush and The Elegant Society Sisters
(with assistance from The Lehigh Valley Queens' Council)
The details and registration form are attached. NOTE that this event is open only to supporting members of the RHS.
The details and registration form are attached. NOTE that this event is open only to supporting members of the RHS.
All contacts should be made to Queen Pat Bush at starborn80@rcn.com or 610-462-2957.
Please do NOT send regrets if you do not plan to attend.
(With assistance from The Lehigh Valley Queens’ Council)
Proudly announces
October 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2020
Holiday Inn Allentown Lehigh Valley (Rte. 100 & I78)
7736 Adrienne Drive
Breinigsville, PA 18031 Telephone: (610) 391-1000
THEME: Denim and Diamonds
Event fee of $120.00 includes:
Admittance to the Red Hat Run-A-Way,
2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, access to Vendors, entertainment,
Favors, unlimited memories to be made and much fun to be
had. Come and join your Red Had Sisters in action.
Note: Please provide proof of membership when registering for this event as well as “at the door”.
Your Membership ID Card can be printed off the RHS Website under
Friday, Oct. 2nd, 2020
Noon – 4:00 p.m. - REGISTRATION
Check in time for your room is not until 3 O’clock. However, the Hospitality Room will be open at 2 O’clock for early arrivers where you can relax and acquaint yourself with old or make new friends over a cup of tea or coffee
Basket Contributions should be left at the registration desk. Please mark your gift with your chapter name and your queen’s name so your chapter can be recognized at the drawing. We are asking each attending chapter to bring a gift card, gift basket, or gift item valued at $25.00 or more to be used in the Basket Raffle.
DENIM NIGHT (Denim must not be in red or purple)
6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. - Cash bar.
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. - Plated dinner will be served.
8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. - Celebrity Impersonator Devon Cass
Saturday, Oct. 3rd, 2020
8:00 a.m.– 9:30 a.m. – Breakfast
After breakfast you are free to spend the day as you wish.
Shop the vendors
Play Bingo $(10 per person)
Take the bus to Downtown Bethlehem or to the Wind Creek Casino ($15.00 round trip)
In Downtown Bethlehem, you will find shops offering gourmet foods, artwork, distinctive gifts, unique clothing, antiques, crafted beverages and holiday decorations.
The Moravian Book Shop, the oldest bookstore in America, is a must-see.
Shops at the Wind Creek Outlet are Christopher & Banks, Corning ware, Corelle & More, Fragrance Outlet, Bass Factory Outlet, Kids Quest/Cyber Quest, Lenox, Steel Magnolia Spa & Salon, General Store, and Van Heusen | IZOD GOLF. The Casino and restaurants are on the first floor and the shops are on the lower level.
Visit old friends and new or just rest up for the night ahead.
Saturday Evening
6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. – Cash Bar
6:30 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. - Plated dinner will be served.
8:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. – Music provided by Nite Flyte for your listening and dancing pleasure.
Sunday Oct. 4, 2020
8:00 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.– Breakfast to fortify you for your journey home.
Any questions concerning this event contact Queen Pat Bush - Email: starborn80@rcn.com or telephone 610-462-2957
Registration Form for this Event
(Payment Plan Available)
Early Registration received by August 31, 2020__________________________$120.00
Registrations received after August 31, 2020 until September 15, 2020_______$140.00
Queen’s Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
First and Last Phone Number -E-mail
Chapter’s RHS ID Number _____________________________________________
Payment Plan Bingo Bus
Yes or No $10 $15
PAYMENT Plan – This payment plan is for early registrations only.
First Payment $40.00 (Plus any extra activity fee) to be paid by April 30, 2020.
Second Payment $40.00 to be paid by June 30, 2020.
Third and last payment $40.00 to be paid by August 31, 2020
HOTEL: The Holiday Inn Conference Center
7736 Adrienne Drive
Breinigsville, Pa 18031
When reserving your room use group code RHS
Any questions concerning this event contact Queen Pat Bush - Email: starborn80@rcn.com or telephone 610-462-2957
Save the Dates for December are starting to fill up please add them to your December 2020 calendars!
COST: 30.00
Menu Choices will be Chicken Cordon Blue or Slow Roasted Rib Eye with potatoes, veggies, rolls, butter, coffee and tea are included.
If you would like to invite your husband or significant other to attend with you, they are welcome to join you.
If you would like to invite your husband or significant other to attend with you, they are welcome to join you.
More information will follow in the coming months from Betty Robideau.
This is a save the date for our Chicks Christmas party. We are planning a dressy and fun Christmas gathering on December 5th 2020. I know it is early but a few groups are already filling in dates so we need to get ours on your calendars. If anyone has suggestions for a place to have it or things we would like to include let me know. This is your party so let me know what we can plan to make it fun for you. If there is anything you would like to plan for the party let me know that also.
December 12, 2020 - Sparkling Scarletts Christmas Party
The Sparkling Scarletts have invited us to their annual Christmas Party.
This year as part of the fun, there is going to be an Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest. What fun that will be!!
More information will follow.
In Closing:
Please pray for each other and our family members and our neighbors, for our president, our governor and for our country and our military and police, first responders, and correctional officers, for all those who are required to work at their jobs during this crisis whether is private industries or in the food supply and retail areas and in the sanitation and housekeeping fields. For the members of our communities who are kind enough to be making a supply of the much need face masks and donating them where there is a need.
Special prayers for the nurses and doctors in and outside of the hospitals and for all those in the medical field, especially the retired nurses and doctors who are coming out of retirement to assist in the hospitals. There are so many more to mention and I apologize, for anyone who I neglected to list.
Please pray for each other and our family members and our neighbors, for our president, our governor and for our country and our military and police, first responders, and correctional officers, for all those who are required to work at their jobs during this crisis whether is private industries or in the food supply and retail areas and in the sanitation and housekeeping fields. For the members of our communities who are kind enough to be making a supply of the much need face masks and donating them where there is a need.
Special prayers for the nurses and doctors in and outside of the hospitals and for all those in the medical field, especially the retired nurses and doctors who are coming out of retirement to assist in the hospitals. There are so many more to mention and I apologize, for anyone who I neglected to list.
During this time of living through social distancing, I thought I would include our roster in case you wanted get in touch and reach out to one another to talk or even to vent about what you are feeling.
That is the news right now.
My thoughts are with you. Please stay healthy and safe and strong and positive.
We Will Get to the Other Side of This 👶🏻
We Will Get to the Other Side of This 👶🏻
Membership Roster
Membership Roster
Adrienne Birchler
Home: 452-0618 Cell: 688-7999
Email: adrienne.Birchler@icloud.com
Barbara DeMarco (Barbie)
Home: 863-2939
Email: barbied518@ roadrunner.com
Carol Reale
Home; 280-5898
Cell: 461-9627
Email: creale8@gmail.com
Home; 280-5898
Cell: 461-9627
Email: creale8@gmail.com
Doris Tuller
Home: 355-5252
Email: tuller24@gmail.com
Eileen Shellenbarger
Home: 899-9354
Cell: NA
Email: e.shellenbarger@yahoo.com
Home: 899-9354
Cell: NA
Email: e.shellenbarger@yahoo.com
Ellie Bullock
Home: 877-7897 Cell: 258-7735
Email: froghollow@nycap.rr.com
Birthday: March 1(1941)
Royal Name: Lady Rosie Ya-Ya
Gayle Carhide
Cell 518-703-0080
Email: carhidegayle@gmail.com
Janet Carroll
Home/Cell: 371-2823
Email: ccarroll1@nycap.rr.com
Jeanette Lane
Home: 355-1417 Cell: 852-3568
Email: jlane1@nycap.rr.com
Jill Sullivan
Judy Pinto
Home: 477-9676 Cell: 301-9259
Email: jnrpinto1@nycap.rr.com
Kathy Liska (Chucky)
Home: 355-9005 Cell 728-1318
Email: K.liska57@gmail.com
Kathy Rossello
Home: 477-2715 Cell -269-1648
Email: ella101659@aol.com
Kim Eruysal
Email: keruysal@yahoo.com
Linda Pflieger (Linnie) Co-Queen
Home: 355-3334 Cell: 727-4380
Email: lmpflieger@gmail.Com
Lynn Martin
Home: 355-0125 Cell: 937-5177
Email: crystlsviola@gmail.com
Marian Puma
Home/Cell: 221-7010
Email: mreqpuma@yahoo.com
Marie Johnson
Home: 377-1687 Cell: 469-7486
Email: ggjohnson634@gmail,com
Marilyn Cross
Home: 664-8080 Cell: 646-6873
No Email
Marilyn Parmerter
Marsha Brunelle
Home:869-7311 Cell: 281-0602
Email: mimi082345@gmail.com
Marty Deschaine – Queen
Home: 382-0815 Cell: 986-5405
Email: mdeschaine@hotmail.com
Nancy Meyer - New Chick
Home: 271-6343 Cell: 256-1453
Email: nancearb@gmail.com
Nancy G Miller - New Chick
Home: 869-0480
No Email
Nancy Swift
Home: 271-6343 Cell: 256-1453
Email: nancearb@gmail.com
Nancy G Miller - New Chick
Home: 869-0480
No Email
Nancy Swift
Cell: 496-0830 Home: 439-1979
Email: nswift604@yahoo.com
Pat Montgomery
Home: 370-2117 Cell: 573-1467
Email: weaver0159@yahoo.com
Phyllis Melideo
Cell: 857-5135
Sandra Cummings (Sandy)
Home – 877-8618
Email: sandralc01@aol.ocm
Sue Asher
Home: 237-3111 Cell: 424-7243
Email: sasher237@gmail.com
Susan Carmack
Home:383-1999 Cell: 915-4552
Email: susucarmack@aol.com
Tina Sawyer
Home: 274-6509 Cell: 368-3034
Email: lucysmom392@hotmail.com
Victoria Holley (Vicky)
Home: 377-3678 Cell:469-8623
Email: holleynski@icloud.com
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