Thursday, March 3, 2022

The YA YA Divas March Newsletter



                                  The Ya Ya Diva’s Chapter News


Good morning, Ya Ya Divas!

 Now for the News YA YA’s

Wow, we have been busy! 

In February we celebrated the Chinese New Year, a Valentine Dinner at Verdiles, Annual Wretched Excess luncheon, and welcomed our newest Ya Ya, Linda (Dolly)!

Looks like March will be just as busy.

March 1 – Mardi Gras -

For those of you who were able to attend it was a great time.  

There were 74 red hatters and their friends in attendence. 10 chapters were represented.  Janet is a joy to co-chair with. She did so much on her end, collecting checks and keeping track of payments and meeting with the manager at Fairways. 

I can not thank you to those of you who came early that morning to set up the room to make it festive and ready for our guests. You all worked together zooming around and making it happen. You transformed the room into the Mardi Gras Party we enjoyed.  

We had great helpers from the Sparkling Scarlets to who were zooming too!  Sue Asher was our resident photographer once the party got started, she got some great shots of the fun we were having.

Special thanks goes out to Chucky and Ade for selling the raffle tickets, (Chucky also selling 50/50) Susan, Mary, Ade, and Chucky for your help  at the raffle table that day as runners of the baskets to the winners, shaking and pulling the winning tickets and keeping it moving smoothly.  We had 17 baskets to give out.

One of which was a beautiful red hat designed by our Chucky Liska! She also helped me with getting the baskets together and wrapped and bowed.  We had beautiful baskets made up for those who were lucky enough to win.

I don't want to forget to mention, I so appreciate everyone's help at the end of the event, staying and picking up all the decorations from the tables and room and bagging them so we can use them for our next mardi gras, collecting and bagging up the food donations for Janet, and your help in loading up my car and Janet's car after you had already put in a full day of helping out.

I am truly blessed to have my YA YA Divas.💓

 March 8 - Ya Ya Monthly Meeting

 Place: Bellevue Cafe, Broadway, Schenectady, NY  (Rotterdam)

 Time: 1PM

 We will be ordering off the menu and receive separate checks.

 Please let me know if you are planning on attending by March 6th.

 Call me at 518-355-3334 or text me at 518-727-4380.


 March 27 – Black Hat Attire - Merrily We Roll Along at Schenectady Light Opera

  The full event flyer is in the Black Hat DD and Ya Ya Divas February Newsletter and also in your red folder  Presently, Gayle has twelve tickets left.



Ya Ya Garden Party Luncheon

Grecian Gardens – Route 9 Clifton Park, NY

Date March 29, 2022

Time 12 Noon

To celebrate Spring, we will be meeting for lunch at Grecian Gardens.

It will be a garden party theme and requested that our attire be garden party.  Pastel solid colors and/or flowery prints, and/or sundresses in your springtime favorite outfit.  Hats are a must, it can either match your outfit or not.  It is all about celebrate Spring in a Garden party theme.

If you are planning on attending, please contact Chucky Liska at 518-355-9005 or text her at 518-728-1318 or email her at by March 20th

Please note Chucky will be out of town next week but she will be reading her text and emails and will respond to you.

We hope you are able to join in on this fun and relaxing afternoon as we celebrate the anticipation of our colorful spring.


April 1 – To Celebrate April Fool’s Day –  

Lunch at the Plum Blossom Chinese Restaurant  Flyer will be sent out shortly on this event.  Wait until you read what Susan have planned.

the Plum Blossom is located on Hoosick St, Troy Time: Noon, Please contact Susan if you are interested in attending at 518-915-4552


 May 5th – Save the Date – Cino De Mayo  Luncheon at Casa Real in Rotterdam

Tentative plans are in the process. with Susan planning out our festivities that day

May 14 – La Tri O’s Red Hatted Spring Fling 2022 – Triton Hose Company, Tunkhannock, PA

The full event flyer is in the Black Hat DD and Ya Ya Divas February Newsletter and was also in your red folder.
The Chapter hosting putting on a fun event, we have gone to many of the events
they previously hosted. If you are interested in attending. Linnie will be sending
in checks for anyone planning on attending so our checks all go in together. Or if you rather send in your checks directly, the contact person is listed below and whom the checks should be sent to.

Please let Linnie know if you are planning to go as soon as possible as the event
will fills up quickly and I will ask that you are seated at the Ya Ya’s table.

Please make out your check in the amount of 30.00 to La Tri O, and please
refer to the flyer, it is included in your red folder, more information.

Several of us are thinking about leaving early on Saturday morning,
to register and attend the event and then staying over Saturday evening
and driving home Sunday or Monday morning, making it a girl’s weekend.


  August 26-August 28 

 2022 Virginia Funvention Convention, Richmond, VA

 The full event flyer is in the Black Hat DD and Ya Ya Divas March Newsletter


This is the YA YA Diva News as of now. I will be updating it after our chapter meeting on March 8 with any new happenings.

Please bear with me as I get familar with using the blog again. It has been a long time but hopefully you will be able to view it ok. Let me know if you are having problems.  As you can see, there are many posts over the years of us and our Glitzy Chicks sisters.  We did alot of events and hope to more.



Your Queen